Submitted by jillian.walker on
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
We want all children and young people to achieve their 60 minutes of moderate physical activity a day

With children spending most of their week in school, it is crucial that the school environment has an active role in offering opportunities to promote a healthy lifestyle. Active Schools aim is to offer children and young people the opportunities and motivation to adopt active, healthy lifestyles, now and into adulthood. 


In a digital world where children are spending more time looking at screens, spending less time playing outdoor, and as a whole relying more and more on cars, we are less active nowadays both as adults and children. Therefore we must encourage a healthy and active lifestyle from a young age.

As physical activity increases, risk of major illness decreases!


Keep it fun 

Children should be physically active for at least 60 minutes every day! 

This activity can vary, from a game of football or basketball, having lessons such as tennis or dance, joining a lunchtime club, or activities with family and friends such as a bike ride, going for a walk or swimming.

Remember whatever you do, try and make sure it is FUN! There is a better chance of young people sticking with something they enjoy, and therefore reaping the many benefits.


Infographic showing several benefits of exercise